sabato 27 gennaio 2018

Cover Love #15

Buongiorno a tutti lettori, buon sabato! Come va la vita? Cosa farete stasera?
Io ho trovato delle copertine favolose che non vedevo l'ora di mostrarvi così diamo il via al solito appuntamento con Cover Love!

Cover Love è la rubrica inventata da Glinda che consiste in una classifica formata da tre copertine fantastiche. Voi potrete commentare e modificare la mia classifica a vostro piacimento.

Lo scorso appuntamento ha visto vincitrice Queen of Air and Darkness, l'ultimo libro della serie TDA di Cassandra Clare. Sostanzialmente, la classifica è rimasta invariata.

Al primo posto, in questa nuova classifica, troviamo Everless di Sara Holland. 
Inutile dirvi che trovo la copertina non solo elegante e raffinata ma anche estremamente bella grazie al contrasto tra il grigio dello sfondo e lo champagne del castello di sabbia.
E' suggestivo come il tempo che scorre sia stato trasformato in una scala a chiocciola, che dire? Me ne sono innamorata subito! 

In the kingdom of Sempera, time is currency—extracted from blood, bound to iron, and consumed to add time to one’s own lifespan. The rich aristocracy, like the Gerlings, tax the poor to the hilt, extending their own lives by centuries.

No one resents the Gerlings more than Jules Ember. A decade ago, she and her father were servants at Everless, the Gerlings’ palatial estate, until a fateful accident forced them to flee in the dead of night. When Jules discovers that her father is dying, she knows that she must return to Everless to earn more time for him before she loses him forever.

But going back to Everless brings more danger—and temptation—than Jules could have ever imagined. Soon she’s caught in a tangle of violent secrets and finds her heart torn between two people she thought she’d never see again. Her decisions have the power to change her fate—and the fate of time itself.

Al secondo posto, invece, un libro di cui ho sentito parlare per caso e che sono curiosa di leggere. 
Sembrerebbe un retelling di Robin Hood al femminile, sto parlando di 'Of fire and stars'. 
Oltre ad apprezzare il colore, un verde petrolio che si vede poco in genere sulle cover come colore, mi piace che esso rappresenti il cielo stellato e allo stesso tempo la foresta di Sherwood. 
Una menzione speciale per le due ragazze e il castello, preludio a mio avviso di una coppia fantastica!

Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds. Her marriage will seal the alliance between Mynaria and her homeland, protecting her people from other hostile lands. But Denna has a secret. She possesses an Affinity for fire—a dangerous gift for the future queen of a kingdom where magic is forbidden.

Now, Denna must learn the ways of her new home while trying to hide her growing magic. To make matters worse, she must learn to ride Mynaria’s formidable warhorses—and her teacher is the person who intimidates her most, the prickly and unconventional Princess Amaranthine—called Mare—the sister of her betrothed.

When a shocking assassination leaves the kingdom reeling, Mare and Denna reluctantly join forces to search for the culprit. As the two become closer, Mare is surprised by Denna’s intelligence and bravery, while Denna is drawn to Mare’s independent streak. And soon their friendship is threatening to blossom into something more.

But with dangerous conflict brewing that makes the alliance more important than ever, acting on their feelings could be deadly. Forced to choose between their duty and their hearts, Mare and Denna must find a way to save their kingdoms—and each other.

Al terzo posto, Mrs. Osmand di John Banville con il suo verde menta e questi ricami così dolci ed eleganti.  I boccioli bianchi mi fanno pensare al cancello di una serra dove la minuta figura sta seduta. Un incanto per gli occhi!

Isabel Osmond, a spirited, intelligent young heiress, flees to London after being betrayed by her husband, to be with her beloved cousin Ralph on his deathbed. After a somber, silent existence at her husband's Roman palazzo, Isabel's daring 
departure to London reawakens her youthful quest for freedom and independence, as old suitors resurface and loyal friends remind her of happier times.

But soon Isabel must decide whether to return to Rome to face up to the web of deceit in which she has become entangled or to strike out on her own once more

Allora? Cosa ne pensate? Vi piacciono le cover? E la mia classifica?
Bacini, Cris

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